Company Overview
Confetti helps companies browse and book unforgettable team-building and corporate experiences in just a few clicks. Through its global virtual event booking platform, Confetti empowers companies like Amazon, Google, and others to create a better sense of belonging at work. Over 6,000 businesses around the world use Confetti to plan amazing social gatherings for their teams.
Confetti’s vision is to be the go-to solution for companies to cultivate a workplace where every employee feels a sense of belonging and purpose, and where happiness and connection drive success. To do this, their mission started with helping teams gather together and build memories through social gatherings like team building. They are disrupting the event planning industry, streamlining the process for both event organizers and vendors by providing a quality experience and excellent customer service. They want their experiences to make life memorable while empowering organizations to build stronger teams and better corporate culture.
“Bringing people together is at the heart of everything we do - especially being a fully distributed team. It first starts with the company values and leadership creating a safe and welcoming space for all its employees. However, there are many smaller day-to-day traditions we do to keep this up. As part of our event-vetting process, we host beta events that our internal team participates in on a monthly basis. Additionally, we host official team-building events each quarter. We try to create interesting challenges for the team - step competitions and trivia games over a few weeks. We also give any employee the opportunity to host something if they have a plan and think it would be interesting. Additionally, we love utilizing Slack to create a more enriched sense of community. We have a few very active channels that every employee is a part of - The first being our gratitude channel. The team uses this channel to give shout-outs to their peers for anything - big or small, we encourage them to talk about their wins openly. Additionally, we have a team pics channel for occasions where we get to meet in real life. It’s also important to us that we give employees with similar interests a place to bond. We want the common interests of the team to span beyond Confetti’s success so we encourage the creation of new channels - we have tons of groups from self-proclaimed nerds to audiophiles to fitness buffs.”
“Being a small company we aim to provide perks that cater to the individual needs of each employee. Keeping in mind the human element of work, we understand that perks look different for each person so we’ll take an individualistic approach to meet the needs of each person in the way that suits them, while also balancing equitable perks throughout the organization. If someone shares with us that a cozy work-from-home setup is the key to their productivity, we can allocate funds to allow them to buy the cozy blankets and fuzzy slippers if it means they’ll be happier to show up each day. Alternatively, if someone is missing a human connection because of our remote status and wants to meet their teammates in person, we’ll work with them to provide travel budgeting to make that happen. We aim to be as equitable as possible in our approach, by offering the same opportunities to each level, while also providing employees with the benefits and perks that will truly satisfy them.”
The Details


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